Watts Amps Volts Calculator is an easy to use electrical power calculator for converting or calculating to or from Watts, Amps, Voltage, kW or Power Factor.
Calculations also include a single phase electrical calculator and a three phase calculator with some helpful hints along the way.
Single Phase Calculations.
Enter any two values to calculate the third.
- Calculate Watts
- Calculate Volts
- Calculate Amps
Three Phase Calculations.
Enter any three values to calculate the fourth.
- Calculate kW
- Calculate Amps
- Calculate Volts
- Power Factor
Single Phase AC or Three Phase AC?
Single-phase is the most common system and is mainly used in homes, while a three-phase system is common in industrial or commercial buildings, where heavy loads of power are required.
This app is a great companion to our kVA Calculator and Ohms Law Calculator apps.